Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009



I think it's one of my best yet.

Here are random generated ones... WIERD...they got all funky.

from wikipedia

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Crooks, Lies & Cheats

Seriously, no offense intended toward Obama fans here...
This was just the first image that came up on google image search... so, there you go... I didn't sleep last night so i don't have the energy to do anything but upload this and publish.

It's just that I was thinking about politicians...
This was the phrase I most remember from high school government class...
"Crooks, Lies & Cheats"..."that's what they all are and it's your job to pick the best one"... or something like that...

I also know nothing of that book either...

The Materialists

thinking about my personal struggle with materialism and the sepration it has allowed between the Divine and myself...

Loudmouth Soup

somebody already thought of it... not that original I suppose...

How To

apparently this is what peolpe want to know how to do at this point in time... and in this order